
The “most harmful” books

Human Events magazine (which bills itself as “The National Conservative Weekly”) asked 15 “conservative scholars and public policy leaders” to list The Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Century. Not suprisingly, Marx, Hitler and Mao took the top three positions. But also making appearances were The Kinsey Report< (“designed to give a [...]

Well, at least it ain’t Barney

Not sure what to think about this. Chicago’s Field Museum is joining forces with a children’s music publisher to release a CD described as a “musical birthday party in celebration of Sue the T. Rex’s 5th anniversary” at the museum. For those who don’t know, the bones were discovered here in South Dakota in 1990 […]

Book Review: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana (2005)

Umberto Eco is one of those authors who frustrates me. I truly enjoyed The Name of the Rose and Foucault’s Pendulum as much, if not more. On the other hand, I gave up on Baudolino after about 100 pages. I did not give up on Eco’s new work, The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, but […]

Book Review: The God Particle (2005)

Advanced particle physics may not seem the vehicle for a novelist to address the conflict between science and religion. Yet that is exactly the approach Richard Cox uses successfully in The God Particle.

On the surface, The God Particle tells the stories of two men. Steve Keely is a California businessman who suffers a severe […]

The “new” sf debate

It seems to have started with The Mundane Manifesto, which arose from a discussion between Geoff Ryman and a class at Clarion East, a science fiction and fantasy writers’ workshop at Michigan State. Simply summarized (at least from my standpoint), the manifesto asserts that sf should abandon such topics as interstellar travel, time travel, alternative […]