
HST follow-up

In all the homage to Hunter S. Thompson, one stands out in my mind and, to my surprise, it is from the MTV web site.

Kurt Loder points out that underneath the gonzo sideshow of drugs and drink lurked a solid journalist. You could find the distinction among those of us in journalism at the […]

SD blog observations

If you haven’t seem them already, here’s a couple items that are worth the time:

While I think the “Gannon” controversy is pushing the envelope of a legitimate lifepsan, here’s a more historical analysis where ethically challenged is a kind description. (Via Dakota Today).

Hats off to Trent for taking a closer look at […]

The King is Dead

Hunter Thompson, king of “gonzo journalism,” is dead, reportedly of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

I’ve blogged before about how Hunter, one of my heroes in the 1970s, remained relevant. His Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 ranks among the best pieces of campaign reportage ever.

While Tom Wolfe was recognized as a […]

Strange bedfellows, part 2

One of the ironies in the Gannon/Guckert hubbub and the growing connections with the Thune campaign and the anti-Daschle forces is Thune’s role as a leader in anti-gay legislation.

Part up the uproar about “Gannon” involves claims he had links to a gay escort service. You may recall that shortly before the election Thune […]

“Gannon,” Thune and Thune’s paid bloggers

A friend points out the Jeff Gannon/James Guckert uproar may hit pretty close to home. Joe Conason has this at Salon and there’s also info here and here on “Gannon’s” connections with Thune and Thune’s paid bloggers. Maybe those bloggers were even more slimy than we thought.