
J.A.I.L. shows its true roots and agenda

The hat tip for this goes to some who’s evidently become a regular reader — Bill Stegmeier. South Dakota’s was kind or taunting enough (I’m not sure which) to send me an e-mail captioned “Blog this Tim” about a full page ad the Amendment E folks are running on the back of the new […]

Book Review: The Shark God (2006)

Travel writers, award-winning Canadian travel author Charles Montgomery tells us in The Shark God, work as follows: they contact a country’s tourist agency, promise to write glowing stories and then ask for “free flights, hotels, meals, and booze. Especially booze.” They then spend weeks “lounging in crisp linen sheets [and] watching BBC World News.”

That […]

Should I really be telling Bill how to sue jurors?

Given the number of comments he posted, Bill Stegmeier’s Saturday nights are evidently even more boring than mine. After I pointed out to him that jury verdicts in criminal cases had to be unanimous, he told me I was “stret[c]hing things” and asked for a hypothetical on how a juror could get sued.

I thought […]

The Zogby poll

South Dakota’s J.A.I.L.ers are trumpeting a Zogby poll that Bill Stegmeier supposedly commissioned. I agree with a comment Stegmeier left here about it. If the poll is accurate, it does prove how effective a campaign of lies can be.

I have not seen the actual poll, only what Stegmeier has said here and elsewhere. […]

Reviewing the rebuttal

Since South Dakota Bill Stegmeier posted a comment (and actually used his name on this visit), I’m happy to reply. Remember, this comment comes from the man who last year agreed Amendment E would apply to “every school board, city council, county commission, professional licensing board, in fact every citizen board in the state […]