
Weekend Edition: 11-26

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • George’s God (“Well into his forties he kept swinging between the poles of his double life as only a true Manichean can, a rock star buried in a pile of cocaine one minute and a sadhu renunciant fingering his beads the next. But by his fifties he had abandoned the pretensions of stardom altogether.”)
  • The First Amendment Upside Down. Why We Must Occupy Democracy (“Yet when real people without money assemble to express their dissatisfaction with all this, they’re told the First Amendment doesn’t apply. Instead, they’re treated as public nuisances – clubbed, pepper-sprayed, thrown out of public parks and evicted from public spaces.”) (via)

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

Life is one long enigma, my friend

George Harrison, “The Answer’s at the End,” Extra Texture

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