
Weekend Edition: 3-8

Bulletin Board

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • Stop Defending the Humanities (“This negative stereotyping [the ‘liberal intellectual’takes wing, in part, from the sense that humanities academics and the students whom they send into the professions acquire their privilege too easily, exempt from the hard scrabble of working in small business, farming, factories, supermarkets, and so on.”)

Headline of the Week

Arrest of the Week

Worst Idea of the Week

  • An Ohio A funeral home offered a couple a discount to keep them from going to police after an employee molested the corpse of a family member, according to a lawsuit the couple filed

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

The reason we need the humanities is because we’re human.

Adam Gopnik, “Why Teach English?”

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