The rivalry between Coke and Pepsi is caustic enough that the term “Cola Wars” is generally recognized in America. As part of that war, Pepsi actually acquired a flotilla of warships in 1989. So many in fact that Pepsi could have bee considered the sixth strongest military in the world at the time.
The story […]
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez
How Real Is “Cancel Culture?” (“When moderate Americans are afraid to voice their views, it allows those who operate at political extremes—often in bad-faith—to dominate the discussion.”)
Idiocy of the Week
Expression of First Amendment rights leaves 68-year-old Indiana man banned from public library
Nonbookish Linkage
When Mr. Rogers […]
No, this isn’t another installment of Loco Lawsuits. Nor does it deal with the multibillion dollar sales of erectile dysfunction drugs. While some today may be embarrassed to even ask about or pick up an ED prescription, that’s nothing compared to dealing with ED in the Middle Ages.
Under medieval Church law, impotence was one […]
“Defecation and urination have been bothersome aspects of space travel from the beginning of manned space flight.”
This conspicuous observation opens the second chapter of a 1976 NASA report called Biomedical Results of Apollo, which summarized what was learned from biomedical research in the Apollo missions. The report reveals the rather primitive nature of “fecal […]
Dumb Lawyer of the Month (Year?) Award
No, you may not give specific legal advice on how to orchestrate a killing in a way calculated to provide a fabricated defense to criminal charges
Nonbookish Linkage
The story of Noah’s Ark may have been fake news Where did music come from? Confronting “Who We Are” How […]
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