Weekend marginalia becomes Monday marginalia becomes Tuesday marginalia. The spambots finally appear to have stopped flooding the site (more than 1500 spam comments in the last week) and there items out there that sparked my interest were a victim of a lack of time to get around to this post.
- We’ve been hearing for years how online and chain bookstores are killing the small independent bookstores. According to the Christian Science Monitor, though, the number of indies “has been steadily growing.” (Via Blog of a Bookslut.)
- I am pleased to report that I am 32.6% smarter than average. (Via Kottke.org Remaindered Links.)
- I report without comment that Dubya is no longer a miserable failure.
- Homer Simpson would be more impressed if it were beer instead.
- A member of the National Book Critics Circle board gives an inside view of the nomination process for its awards.
- The State Library’s recent decision that the general public can’t check out books or other material has prompted a legislative response. A bill has been introduced in the state House to require the library to maintain “a collection of popular books” which “shall be circulated to citizens.”
[P]lease don’t confuse my point of view with cynicism; the real cynics are the ones who tell you everything’s gonna be all right.
George Carlin, Brain Droppings