At 12:55 pm CDT on Friday, May 27, my status as a lifelong South Dakotan ended. I crossed the state line en route to the city in which my wife and I now live. Two of our three daughters and our granddaughter live in the university town larger than Sioux Falls.
Family was the […]
I recently read that many states have laws that automatically make virtually all men between certain ages part of that state’s “militia.” South Dakota is one of a number of states where the automatic membership arises from the state Constitution.
Article 15, § 1 of the Constitution says, “The militia of the state of South […]
I anticipated some uproar following this week’s decision saying South Dakota’s ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional. Either I’m not familiar with the places it’s showing up (which may be a good thing) or the response to date has been quite muted.
What struck me about the decision wasn’t the result or the legal framework […]
I learned through South DaCola that the City of Sioux Falls received a singular “honor.” It was acknowledged by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty for getting “right” the “Happy birthday, Jesus” and “Jesus Christ” messages painted on city snowplows. I don’t view it as much of an honor.
First, consider who’s giving the award. […]
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