If the hits to this blog are any indication, Kate Looby sure has become a popular figure in cyberspace. Looby, the lobbyist for and director of Planned Parenthood for South Dakota, shows up in an ever-increasing number of the internet searches that bring people here. Thus, the interest is being generated by all the recent […]
Other matters kept me from posting this earlier in the day as intended or from commenting on other things that will show up later. Couldn’t let the day expire, though, without must mentioning that this blog was launched two years ago today. While it has changed with time (as all things should), I still see […]
I’ve added a few items recently to the blogroll/web site list at right and have failed to otherwise mention that fact. Here’s what’s been added and why:
BOJ News Service – Blind Orange Julius is a frequent commenter at Mount Blogmore and has a worthy news photo blog, so to speak, dealing with SD political […]
Since I’ve moved this blog away from politics toward books, music and other things that give nuance to life, I’ve decided to broaden it in other ways. I have joined the crew at Blogcritics. As the site says, it is comprised of “[a] sinister cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, […]
Family matters have kept me from blogging for a few days and will for several more.
Additionally, some links on this blog go to Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There is no additional cost to you.
Contact me You can e-mail me at prairieprogressive at gmaildotcom.