
Can you read too much?

It’s not hard to guess my answer: impossible!. But evidently some don’t agree — including a librarian.

Circulating heavily in the blogosphere is the story of a library director who told a nine-year-old boy that he “hogs” the library’s annual summer reading event. He’s read 373 books over the last five contests.

In this age […]

Not required law school reading

In recent years the ABA Journal, the magazine of the America Bar Association, has been into various “best of” lists for law (e.g., best movies, best TV shows). The latest is the 25 Greatest Law Novels Ever (there’s actually 26 because there was a tie for 25th). Evidently, my cultural legal education is lacking as […]

Joining the one percent, of sorts

It’s official. Sort of. Earlier this week I got an email from Goodreads this week announcing: “You’re in the top 1% of reviewers on Goodreads!” (Their emphasis, not mine.) But digging around a bit makes me feel I’m still pretty much with my friends in the 99 percent.

First, the email also tells me that […]

Top top 100 books

An ambitious soul on Reddit compiled the information from 11 “Top 100” book lists into a combined master list. The results are interesting. Only three books made 10 of the list and only 26 made it on more than half the lists.

Here’s the books and the number of lists they’ve made. I’ve italicized those […]

Sources of abandonment

I can honestly say I never gave up on any of the top five “most abandoned” books at Goodreads or even the top five abandoned classics. Of course, that’s because in each case I read two of the five and never started the other three.

The top five most unfinished books I’ve read are Wicked […]