
Creating school censorship councils

Following the Patriot Act lead of naming legislation for political purposes, the Parental Empowerment Act of 2005 has been introduced in Congress. (Via Blog of a Bookslut). Basically, the bill would cut off federal funding unless school boards create a “parent review and empowerment council.” Those councils would be allowed to have “significant input” and […]

Taking a stand

Compliments to Sen. Tim Johnson for voting against Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General. Of course, Sen. John “Independent Voice” Thune voted in favor of Gonzales. Yes, it sends a wonderful message when the nation’s new chief law enforcement officer helped create the concept of “enemy combatants” with no due process rights, said we could ignore […]

Utter disrespect for legal rights

As you’ve hopefully heard by now, the government has decided to release “enemy combatant” Yaser Hamdi to Saudi Arabia without any charges being filed. Hamdi’s story is instructive of the extent to which the Bushies will go and proof of their utter disregard for legal process.

Hamdi, a US citizen, was turned over to US […]

The detention decisions

Of course, the decisions in the enemy combatant cases came down while I was out of town. I can’t really improve on the analysis and summaries that appear at, among others, Scrivener’s Error or SCOTUSblog. And Elaine Cassel has an interesting take at her civil liberties blog.

I was struck by Justice Stevens’ dissent in […]

The other countdown to June 30

Eyes are focused on the transition to Iraqi authority on June 30. That date has additional significance for the nation and perhaps the election.

Traditionally, the U.S. Supreme Court goes into recess June 30 and tries to issue opinions in submitted cases by then. As of this posting, 12 cases remain for decision. Three directly […]