
A few of the best albums you never heard

The Flock (1969) — Fusion, horn rock and so-called progressive rock were the thing when this album was released. Yet The Flock produced a sound unlike any heard elsewhere. Coming out of Chicago, their hook was putting violinist Jerry Goodman up front. Yet Goodman was a masterful player and Side 1 of this LP is […]

A 23-year-old Desert Island

After the Desert Island post, I started wondering about the list I’d made years ago at my managing editor’s suggestion. I dug around and found it tonight. With a * indicating those that are also in yesterday’s post, here is my Desert Island list (alphabetically by artist) as published on February 18, 1982:

The Beatles […]

The Desert Island discs

Several months ago, I first posted my list of “Desert Island Discs.” Most people are generally familiar with the concept — what discs would you want if stranded on a desert island. I first encountered the concept in another lifetime in which I was actually a published music critic. The managing editor suggested it as […]

Wanted on CD

One home project over the last month resulted in me browsing through numerous LPs (yes, actual vinyl) I acquired over the years. I came across and thought of various LPs that have yet to appear on CD. Several of the artists has a variety of other albums reissued (and remastered) on CD but not these. […]

Digression on a Monster

I recently attended my 30-year high school reunion. (Yes, I’m that effin’ old!) As I listened to a couple classmates blather on about how we should “turn Iraq into a parking lot” because of what “they” did on 9-11 (gee guys, I don’t remember there being any Iraqis on those planes), I started thinking about […]