Despite the money, it’s tough being a world-famous celebrity. There’s the paparazzi, the tabloids, and the stalkers. Plus, you become a target for some of the oddest lawsuits. Just ask Beyoncé, who’s been the subject of bizarre allegations.
For example, in October 2012 Naomi Riches, “d/b/a Naomi Leatherman,” sued Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z in […]
Ever really regret a bad decision? Wish there was some way of making good some of the damage it caused? A few inventive people have used an idea rife with cognitive dissonance – suing yourself.
The progenitor of what some call “autolitigation” is a California case decision. It started when Oreste Lodi sued himself in […]
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reportedly has one of the most challenging handgun qualification courses in the federal government. It mandates quarterly training firearms training and semiannual firearms qualification to ensure agents “maintain a high level of proficiency in the use and safety” of their weapons. So it would probably be a bit embarrassing if […]
Law school can be tough on a person. Just ask Georgia lawyer Jeffrey Duncan. In 2005, he sued another Georgia lawyer, Daniel Klein, for malpractice. Among other things, Duncan wanted damages for the cost and emotional distress of attending law school.
Duncan’s saga began in 1991 when he went to work for a subsidiary of […]
Audaciousness can occasionally be part of a criminal’s arsenal. Yet Jesse Dimmick’s brassiest act may have come while already serving a sentence for kidnapping.
Dimmick, a Denver area native, was one of two men sought in connection with a September 7, 2009, homicide in Aurora, Colo. Authorities arrested the other man but Dimmick remained at […]
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