
Musing Mondays: Sickness and injury

How does your being sick (or injured) affect your reading? Do you read more? Less? Do you pick out a different book than you had already planned? Do you have a “comfort book” that makes you feel better?

Most of the time if I’m sick I end up reading less, either because I don’t […]

Musing Mondays: Assigned reading

How did you react to assigned reading when you were in school/university/college/etc? How do you think on these books now? What book were you ‘forced’ to read when you where in school that you’ve since reread and loved?

I still blame/credit high school English for the fact I can’t tolerate Shakespeare. Of course, at […]

Musing Mondays: Recommendations

How often do you recommend books to others, and who do you recommend them to? Do you only recommend books to your “reading friends” or to anyone you think might find the book interesting? What does it take for a book to make it to your ‘recommendation’ list?

Other than what people may gather […]

Musing Mondays: Don’t leave home without it?

I always like to have a book with me at all times – call it a nerdy grown-up security blanket – and rarely do I leave the house without slipping one into my bag (even if I KNOW I’m not going to have a chance to read it). Do you take a book with […]

Musing Mondays: Time between books

How long do you wait after finishing a book before you pick/start another one? How many books do you have planned ahead or do you pick up random books from your tbr pile (if you have one)? Do you review right away or keep reading and come back to it later?

It really depends […]