The last couple months revealed a gap in my education: South Dakota history. Granted, I know the basics — the Homestead Act, sod homes, Indian tribes and treaties, the railroads, agriculture, the Dirty Thirties, meatpacking, credit cards. But I’ve never had a South Dakota history course and it became apparent when I learned South Dakota […]
Okay, I’ve got a poli sci degree, I was a political reporter and I stay fairly up to date. But I evidently have grown or remain blindly (or perhaps happily) ignorant to much of politics.
For the first time in my 36 years as a registered voter, I voted Tuesday as a registered Republican. The […]
It should come as no surprise but, at least according to Amazon, South Dakota reads red. Not red as in my younger days (you know, them Commies). No, red as in the red state-blue state divide.
Amazon has an Election 2008 map tracking political book buying. According to it, during the last 60 days a […]
No, this isn’t what I got for Christmas, let alone a smooth transition from Christmas cheer to real life. Still, at least two items of legal interest have been in the Argus recently that I believe deserve some comment or explication.
The most recent is that a judge refused to dismiss Dan Scott’s libel action […]
I was thinking of doing a brief roundup on South Dakota blog election coverage but came across a post that beats them all. Go read Scott Hudson’s post-election wrap-up, where his “Get Out of Town” stylings nails the “boneheads” of election day.
It always rains like hell on the loser’s day parade.
“Broadway,” Goo […]
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