For those who may be interested, here is the vote in the state House of Representatives on the bill putting on the ballot a state constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
There are news stories on the House committee hearing and House debate. If you want the unfiltered details, audio of the committee and […]
Compliments to Sen. Tim Johnson for voting against Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General. Of course, Sen. John “Independent Voice” Thune voted in favor of Gonzales. Yes, it sends a wonderful message when the nation’s new chief law enforcement officer helped create the concept of “enemy combatants” with no due process rights, said we could ignore […]
From today’s Argus Leader: “Republican Sen. John Thune praised Bush’s State of the Union address without reservation[.]”
I am not watching the State of the Union address. I know it will be all aimed at spinning a fantasy view of the world and our nation. Sadly, much of FDR’s 1944 State of the Union address remains true and unaccomplished today. It is worth repeating.
This Republic had its beginning, and grew to […]
My fellow Americans.
My administration has and will continue to effectuate a foreign policy that has left us isolated in the community of nations, undermined our national security and done nothing to address the underlying reasons for and causes of terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
We have weakened our military and left the blood of our […]
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