Bulletin Board
Because I agree with Charlie there are no 9/11 links today.
Blog Headline of the Week
Geodog For Android Tracks Your Canine’s GPS Collar, Costs More Than The Dog
Bookish Linkage
It’s nice to know that Banned Books Week “is an exercise in propaganda.” If you have any doubts, just ask Arthur Conan […]
Glenn Kleier’s new novel, The Knowledge of Good and Evil, may confound a few readers. On the one hand, it is a novel of ideas, some rather esoteric. On the other hand, it is an action-based thriller. How a reader reacts may depend on which approach they prefer.
The book is Kleier’s first since the […]
In many professions today, there’s a lot of talk about striving for “work-life balance.” Although focused on a balance between our work and personal lives, the ultimate goal is to improve and broaden the quality of life. Yet more than 2,000 years ago Aristotle recognized that balance was the key to living the best life […]
Bulletin Board
Proof this is the first summer we’ve been empty nesters? I hit 100 books read for the year last Saturday.
The blog will see its eighth anniversary on Friday.
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
The Black Hole of 9/11 (“9/11, for all its tragic and heroic drama, is an easy event […]
Having spent my fair share of time in them, I can’t say the holdings of law libraries are such that they would encourage a person to do this.
A mistrial was declared last week in the sex-trafficking prosecution of a massage parlor owner when an employee who testified for the prosecution recognized the defense lawyer […]
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Contact me You can e-mail me at prairieprogressive at gmaildotcom.