
A proselytizing paper

For quite a while now, I’ve been meaning to write about how dismayed I am by what passes for a local newspaper these days. Given my age, a variety of things irk me. But one that had been lurking in the background became fairly apparent last week. What I noticed and believe would be borne […]

Weekend Edition: 9-28

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

American gun use is out of control. Shouldn’t the world intervene? (“212,994 more Americans lost their lives from firearms in the last 45 years than in all wars involving the US”)

Do Books Make Us Better People? (“Books make us think for ourselves, rather than trying to force […]

Banned Books That Shaped America: Part 2

Yesterday we looked at almost a century of American classic books that have been banned or challenged, all on the list compiled by the Library of Congress of “Books That Shaped America.” Today we’ll complete the 20th Century and take a step into the 21st.

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Alfred C. Kinsey (1948) […]

Banned Books That Shaped America: Part 1

Last year, the Library of Congress created an exhibition called “Books That Shaped America.” The LOC doesn’t contend it’s an exclusive list; it was intended to start discussion about books written by Americans that influenced our lives.

The LOC made an apt observation about some of the 88 books on the list. “Some of the […]

Weekend Edition: 9-21

Bulletin Board

Banned Books Week starts tomorrow. Here’s an idea: read Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, banned by a North Carolina school board just this week

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

The Music is Worthless (“The notion of stealing music seems quaint now; stealing implies something has value in the first place.”)

Criminal of the […]