Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
The great forgetting (“And here is one uplifting aspect of ageing: our stories of self get better.”)
How Did Bob Dylan Get So Weird? (“On a good night he makes some of his best-known songs unrecognizable, and on a bad one you come out wondering what it was, […]
Following the Hobby Lobby decision, I wrote that one of the more problematic issues I saw was that the decision was framed in terms of the “sincerely held religious beliefs” of the company’s owners. My concern was this could result in judging a person’s beliefs. The Satanic Temple is stepping through that door.
It is […]
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
How The Public Library Turned Me Into A Reader (“The books that visited me from the public library were mostly ephemeral events in my life; they came, were devoured, were discarded and were ultimately forgotten. Their effects, however, still linger.”)
Most Cringeworthy Lawsuit of the Week
An Alabama man […]
Hamilton and Burr. Sounds like a law firm you might see advertised on television. And they were lawyers. But that’s not what really ties these two men together. They are Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. For history buffs, the names may bring to mind the ongoing political battles in the 1790s between Hamilton, the nation’s […]
Bulletin Board
Although I doubt he or she is reading this, I just wanted to tell the asshat in Provo, Utah, who tries to hack the site several times a day that using different IP addresses ain’t gonna help. There’s also a dickwad in KC who’s not quite so pesistent.
Interesting Reading in the Interweb […]
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