PP recently mentioned the idea of bloggers being “credentialed” as part of the press corps for the South Dakota Legislature. Having covered a couple sessions in Pierre as a reporter, I guarantee you I won’t be getting in line for any press passes for bloggers if it ever occurs. But he isn’t the only one […]
Book bloggers, including those who simply post reviews at Amazon, get blasted occasionally. Sometimes mainstream media reviewers assert that internet-only reviewers simply “enjoy shooting off their mouths” and their work amounts to “the degradation of literary taste.” Even some book bloggers themselves raise questions about whether there is an ethical obligation to disclose whether the […]
This post initially started as a result of my review of search terms for the recent installment of search follies. But the public announcement that Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth is engaged makes it more timely.
I’ve always been suprised by how many people come here via Herseth web searches. As you’ll see, virtually all deal with […]
Here’s the second installment of search term follies. The “winners” this time around:
GOOGLE SEARCH: can you make your husband carry a fetus in his womb
Since the womb is the uterus and men do not have them, I believe the answer is no. If men did have wombs, though, I believe there would be […]
First, I will ackowledge stealing this idea from Vonnegut’s Asshole (and that’s a sentence that is incapable of sounding quite right). It occasionally looks at some of the, shall we say, odd search terms that bring viewers to the site. While I still get plenty of hits from searches like those using “Stephanie Herseth” and […]
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