
Throwing the dictionary out of school

Too often supposed moral outrage deprives both individuals and government bodies of common sense. The latest case in point? First, a California school district removed a dictionary from all all school shelves after a parent complained about a student finding a definition of “oral sex” in it. Now, the Menifee Union School District is forming […]

Welcome to the book review slums

You would think I would automatically hail the advent of a new interweb book review site, especially one created by a well-respected national magazine. But I can’t say The New Republic did much to entice me when it announced its new online book review, The Book.

In an online letter to “Friends of Books and […]

A Books of the Century reading challenge

I was so intrigued by Daniel Immerwahr’s creation, The Books of the Century website, that I decided to launch a reading challenge based on it.

Immerwhar has compiled a list for each year of the 20th Century based on

The top ten bestsellers in fiction, as recorded by Publishers Weekly; The top ten bestsellers in […]

The year in books — by the numbers

The numbers will finish off the end of the year book-related posts. I’ve been keeping a book diary since the beginning of 1976. This year I reached a record number of books read, 111. That figure is tempered by the reverse of what affected last year’s numbers. Just as my 2008 reading included a few […]

January Bibliolust

It just seems appropriate that the first post of the new year should be about my bibliolust. I should note, though, that while I don’t make New Year’s resolutions (other than to resolve not to make them), my goal this year is to read 50 percent more than the number of books I buy. I […]