
In the minority — again

It’s surprising sometimes what the federal government looks at. As the name suggests, one of its latest reports — the American Time Use Survey — looks at the activities that make up our days. Among other things, it shows I’m once again in the minority, this time in “leisure time.”

According to the study, Americans […]

Who in the world is happy?

Last year,a U.N. meeting chaired by Prime Minister of Bhutan, whose country has a “Gross National Happiness Commission,” released the first report seeking to measure happiness in the world. This week it released the 2013 World Happiness Report. The United States didn’t crack the top 10.

First, how do you measure happiness? The researchers considered […]

So we’ve got a POV

I figured some other South Dakota blogger might jump on this. As no one appears to be so inclined, I’ll bite.

Seems like we South Dakotans like our point of view in more ways than one. “POV” is the top porn search term in the state, at least in visits to a website called PornHub. […]

Our (sad) missed connections

Being happily married for 31 years, I’ve never had a reason to look at the Missed Connections on Craiglist. But something from earlier this year that just caught my attention makes me somewhat embarrassed for South Dakota and a lot of other places in the nation.

Dorothy Gambrell put together a map for Psychology Today […]

Who needs government action for people to give up their rights?

To say I am flummoxed by the results of a new poll by the First Amendment Center would be an understatement. Some 34 percent of Americans say the First Amendment goes too far in protecting freedom, according to an annual survey by the First Amendment Center.

Imagine, a third of our population believes that the […]