
Political ruminations

A combination of the doldrums and plain weariness for much of it has kept political musings to a minimum despite the fact there’s a lot going on. In fact, I have yet to actually look for or at any list of bills introduced in the state legislature this year. Still, here’s some ruminations from the […]

Little Red Book story big fat hoax

The story of the U Mass-Darmouth student who claimed to have been visited by Homeland Security after requesting Mao’s “Little Red Book” via interlibrary loan turns out to have been a hoax.

People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to.

Malcolm Muggeridge

Thune: Constitution? What Constitution?

So what does John Thune say about Bush authorizing domestic spying? “I will not fault them for exercising the steps they thought necessary to protect the American people.” Apparently, the question of whether those steps tread on federal law or the Constitution is irrelevant.

By the way, Thune’s rationale also works quite well to justify […]

Thumbs down

A big thumbs down on the votes cast by Stephanie Herseth and Tim Johnson this week on the renewal of the so-called Patriot Act. Herseth voted Wednesday to reauthorize and extend various controversial provisions. Johnson was one of two Democrats to vote today to end a filibuster on the measure in the U.S. Senate. Not […]

SD abortion “study”

Surprise, surprise. The South Dakota Task Force to Study Abortion is recommending more restrictions on abortion with the goal of a total ban. You shouldn’t be surprised. This was a done deal from the outset. While there were advocates on both sides, the anti-abortion forces dominated and there were few appointees who might have even […]