Got the most part, I stay away from the political here. Yet this image, seen in the Seattle PI books blog, really struck me with its message. It is very powerful and could suit either a gun control or censorship campaign: The organization it promotes, Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America, was formed […]
Bob Mercer reports that the state Board of Elections voted 6-0 this morning to reject a challenge filed by a Rapid City man to President Barack Obama being on the ballot in South Dakota.
The vote was not based on the validity of the claims that Obama isn’t a natural-born U.S. citizen, uses someone […]
We see all too frequently that getting information in today’s world isn’t the problem; it’s the ability to evaluate it. Latest case in point? The regular meeting Friday of the South Dakota Board of Elections includes an agenda item on a complaint filed to keep President Barack Obama off the ballot.
Thomas Scheveck beats three […]
Monday’s announcement that Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf is going to be republished in Germany for the first time since the end of World War II brought a couple thoughts to mind.
I find it interesting that the State of Bavaria holds the copyright to the book. According to the news report, Bavaria took over the […]
Open today’s Argus Leader and you’ll see a couple editorials on the “public’s right to know” in the local section. Go to the next section, though, and something is missing — today’s scheduled Doonesbury comic strip. Instead, the Argus ran an old strip. Where I come from — which is the same place as much […]
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