
Friday Follies 2.30

An Arizona attorney is being suspended because, among other things, she told a client the spirit of his deceased wife was “inside” her, allowing her to communicate the wife’s thoughts to him.

A Wisconsin man shot a hole in the floor of his house when he tried to shoot an alien he had seen in […]

Friday Follies 2.29

Okay, this one may be tough to top. Seems attorney Ed Ablard has filed a civil rights lawsuit because Alexandria, Va., approved a permit for a new barbecue restaurant with an open-air gas grill. He claims the restaurant will “provide a clubhouse for conservative persons to gather to drink until late hours and thereby form […]

Friday Follies 2.28

A federal judge is allowing a lawsuit by a Hawaii man against the publisher of an online virtual-world game go forward. The lawsuit alleges the man became so addicted to the game that he is “unable to function independently in usual daily activities such as getting up, getting dressed, bathing or communicating with family and […]

Friday Follies 2.27

A Florida man was arrested after punching the father of an autistic because the child disturbed his dining experience at Olive Garden. (via Jonathan Turley)

The North Carolina State Bar has filed charges against an attorney who is alleged to have asked a divorce client how much it would cost to unbutton or remove each […]

Friday Follies 2.26

Evidently the law enforcement training sessions at the FBI Academy do not include copyright law, such as public domain or fair use. Or, to quote Popehat, “I own one two hundred sixty millionth of this seal.”

Dead man gets ticket for parking too long in 2-hour zone. (The parking enforcement office “rapped on the […]