
Friday Follies 2.28

A federal judge is allowing a lawsuit by a Hawaii man against the publisher of an online virtual-world game go forward. The lawsuit alleges the man became so addicted to the game that he is “unable to function independently in usual daily activities such as getting up, getting dressed, bathing or communicating with family and friends.”

For the second time in as many years, a Wisconsin man has been accused of assaulting someone for having too many items in the express lane at the grocery store. (via)

If you hadn’t heard already, a U.S. District Court has ruled that the “easy, daily bowel movements” from a high fiber diet in prison is not a constitutional right. Legal Blog Watch summarizes.

Okay, the story itself is bizarre enough. A man has dollar bills fall out of his butt during a strip search at jail. But the ensuing charge of “introducing contraband into a county facility” seems as punny as saying it seems tongue in cheek. After all, I think the contraband was actually introduced into an orifice. (via)

Equally bizarre is the Seattle man who, when confronted by a Radio Shack clerk about shoplifting, “dropped his pants exposing his penis and stated that he had a ‘flesh eating bacteria’” to which he would expose the clerk. When the county jail refused to admit him “due to an unspecified medical condition,” the man was taken to a hospital, where he escaped from custody by walking out of the emergency room. (via)

The truth? I thought we were talking about a court of law.

Jerome Facher (Robert Duvall), A Civil Action

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