
What Thune’s crew has done for us

Thune loves to throw out the names Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton whenever he can. That’s evidently because he dare not talk about what the conservative agenda has produced. If you haven’t seen the news reports, a new Census Bureau report (PDF file) tells us just what the policies Thune supports have wrought.

Nationally, the […]

Thune ad misleading

Perhaps you’ve seen the new ad for John Thune. Something about him being an “independent” voice willing to go his own way, all but coming out and saying Daschle only toes the party line. Too bad the facts show the insinuation is wrong.

Independent analysis of Thune’s votes show that during his six years in […]

More on Thune and gay marriage

Newsweek has a report this week that Thune is betting the gay marriage issue is a winner.  I’ve posted before on what a bogus issue this is.  But let’s look at the strategy.  Thune wants to attack Daschle on what he perceives to be a “hot button” issue that can give all sorts of sound bites […]

Thune and the gay marriage bogeyman

John Thune is following standard GOP tricks. He is using the federal marriage amendment as a bogeyman to try and bash Tom Daschle, using statements that are disingenuous at best. According to a local TV outlet, Thune says Daschle should vote for the amendment to “protect South Dakotans from being forced to accept gay marriage. […]