
Book Review: Sunset Park by Paul Auster

Some writers end up being put in a box because their style and subjects seem to forever place them in a particular category or genre. Paul Auster usually ends up in the box labeled “Postmodernist.” Yet the more Auster I read, the more convinced I am that he ends up with that label because his […]

Book Review: Sitting Bull, Prisoner of War by Dennis C. Pope

Whether cast in terms of manifest destiny or, more crudely, “the Indian problem,” at its core the conflict between white and Native Americans was a clash of cultures. While not necessarily the centerpiece, Dakota Territory was frequently a stage upon which it played out. Despite the fact it focuses on a narrow slice of the […]

Book Review: The Road by Vasily Grossman

Given American popular literature today, perhaps a person first seeing Vasily Grossman’s The Road on the bookshelves could be excused if they first wonder if it is vampire or zombie-laden mashup of Cormac McCarthy’s award-winning novel of the same name. Yet readers who actually pick up the book and explore it will discern that this […]

Book Review: Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So by Mark Vonnegut

There are certain books you read during your life that stick with you. For me, one of those is one I first read while still in college, Mark Vonnegut’s The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity. First published in 1975 (and reissued in 2002), the book is a frank and compelling story of a young […]

Music Review: Santana, Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics of All Time

Sometime in the summer of 1999, I popped Santana’s Supernatural into the CD player in one of our vehicles. From the back seat, I heard one of my kids (aged 8 to 13) ask in the combination disdainful/incredulous tone only kids can achieve, “Since when did you start listening to Santana?” They were just a […]