
Bruce and Starbucks

As I leave to see Bruce in St. Paul tonight, I wanted to note the news reports that the lyrics on Devils & Dust are too hot for Starbucks. Yet one more reason to patronize your locally owned and operated barista rather than a corporate conglomerate. To quote the bumper stickers sold at Black Sheep […]

Book Review: Wonderdog (2004)

Who is Dev Degraw? Wonderdog, a comedic novel by Inman Majors, takes us along as ne’er-do-well Degraw wanders through a disintegrating life.

On the surface, Dev is a lot of things. He’s the 33-year-old son of the long-time governor of Alabama. He’s a divorced parent now chasing other women and pursuing his father’s female press […]

A bit more marginalia

As a lawyer I see the federal government’s A Journalist’s Guide to the Federal Courts as a worthy venture. (Via Media Law). As a former journalist who spent a few years on the “cops and courts” beat, I remember when you were expected to learn this in the j school’s public affairs reporting or […]

Vonnegut makes court appearance – sort of

Kurt Vonnegut‘s 1961 short story “Harrison Bergeron” was cited in a brief filed with the Kansas Supreme Court in a lawsuit over funding of public schools. The story, which appears in Welcome to the Monkey House, is about a future in which the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the US Constitution require hampering anyone’s […]

More marginalia

A few more items that crossed my computer screen while I was concentrating on other committments:

Wired News has an interesting little piece on what Amazon may be seeking to do with some of its new content. (Via if:book). Although I cannot attend, I want to at least mention The Native Voice Film Festival going […]