
Book Review: Bare Naked Truth – On the Religious Right

Critics of the religious right — and I am one — often differ on the approach to opposing them. Some believe it necessary to keep the debate civil and respectful. Others think the best approach is a two-by-four. Stacey Tallitsch falls in the latter camp. The problem is he puts such a large spike in […]

Book Review: America! What Have You Done to the Auld Game?

I started playing golf as a youngster more than 35 years ago. In the early 1990s, though, I walked off the public course I normally played and didn’t pick up a club for about five years. Why? Neither my temperament nor my personal life could handle taking 4 1/2 to 5 hours or more to […]

Weekend update

As hoped, so far it has been hockey, DVDs and books.

The Stampede won a game Saturday night they didn’t deserve to win (3 goals on 12 shots on goal) and got shut out Sunday night when they played much better (0 goals on 33 shots on goal). TV-wise, I saw Friday night’s Gopher game […]

A rare weekend on the horizon

As much as I love my wife and kids, this weekend has the potential to be absolutely wonderful. Oldest daughter is staying at college for the weekend. Middle daughter is playing in a volleyball tournament in the Twin Cities and rode up with the neighbor. Youngest daughter and wife are at a swim meet in […]

Link marginalia

Looks like we may catch him after all. Batman is going after Osama. (Via Boing Boing). Trent at Proud Liberal Journal has an excellent post on Democrats and the Patriot Act. Kirkus Reviews has released its Spring & Summer 2006 special issue on forthcoming books. You can find it at the first link here. (Via […]