
Ahh, the power of blogs – Part 2

The South Dakota Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.) and its “publicist” are awfully busy at their new website. Among other things, they’ve updated its FAQ and it actually made me feel good.

In explaining why the J.A.I.L.ers hired a publicist, they now note that “opponents to Amendment E sent reporters to California, which is also politics, just of the slushy variety.” Gee, I didn’t know the opponents had any reporters and I certainly didn’t know that reporting on ballot issues constituted “slushy” politics. Of course, that isn’t what gave me the warm and fuzzy feeling.

The FAQ also now states:

Then we noticed some Blieggers. (Bloggers who deliberately distort the truth, or fib.) But that’s also politics, too. Sometimes powerful people don’t appreciate any attempts of by [sic] the little guys to be held accountable, and are willing to do any number of things to prevent it.

Since the publicist previously complained of “many” inaccuracies (emphasis hers) in this post, I am touched to think that this infinitesimal iota of the internet might rank among the “powerful people.” Quick, somebody tell the rest of the blogosphere that!

I freely admit trying to hold the J.A.I.L.ers “accountable.” After all, isn’t that what their measure is about — accountability? Although I also admit I evidently missed the rules that say “little guys,” whomever that may be, are exempt from being held accountable.

It’s also interesting that although “blieggers” are cited one of the reasons J.A.I.L. needs a publicist, it appears the publicist coined that term. Guess that’s one way to create a need for your services. Which reminds me. I’m still waiting for Bonnie Russell to respond to my prior invitations to point out the inaccuracies she complained of.

A word after a word after a word is power.

Margaret Atwood

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