
Has the meltdown started?

Can you smell the desperation?

South Dakota Bill Stegmeier has taken his part of the campaign to commenting on blogs. There is plenty of top-notch political discourse, such as calling people “ass” and “coward.” He also posts comments like “I really don’t care” if Amendment E passes. Maybe the poll he commissioned from Zogby […]

Okay, maybe we are hicks

We in Sioux Falls tend to think we’re at least somewhat cosmopolitan. But then there’s those things that tend to blow our cover and establish that maybe, when you get right down to it, we still aren’t all that sophisticated.

The latest case in point? This headline on the local daily’s web page today: “World-renowned […]

The same old lie – before a bit of truth

The lies continue. But, surprisingly, a bit of truth escaped from Amendment E proponents Tuesday. It must have been a mistake.

In a debate in Mitchell Tuesday night, Jake Hanes repeated the lie that pops out almost every time an Amendment E supporter speaks. According to the article in the Mitchell Daily Republic:

It [the […]

Public Service Announcement

While I tend to avoid these types of things, with the election just two weeks away I am going to break from tradition and post what the media would call a PSA.

The South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families, the group heading up the effort to overturn South Dakota’s abortion ban, is planning a “Stand […]

Straw Ballot smack down

For years (if not decades), the Watertown Public Opinion has run a “Straw Ballot” on election issues and candidates. The ballot is printed in the paper and “voters” have to mail or bring in an original, not a photocopy. It has been highly accurate over that time. While the Straw Ballot may not nail the […]