A brief deviation into the political because it reflects some of the societal and legal ramifications of post-9/11 thought in America.
I’ll admit I’m a bit behind on this, simply noting the vote when it occurred. But Sam Hurst, a RCJ citizen columnist , prompted me with his thoughts on U.S. Rep. Herseth-Sandlin’s vote on […]
The smell of fresh bread this morning marked the beginning of another chapter in a book that’s becoming more page-worn. In a tradition that goes back probably a decade, if not more, the fact the bread machine contributed to the morning indicated it was the first day of school. This year is a little different, […]
May as well wrap up the week (or kick off a new one depending on your point of view) with another round of marginalia:
While we must wait to see just how comparable he may be, a South Dakota Blog Watch Man replicant is on the loose. Why would anyone be surprised by this? (Via.) […]
The chance, however small, that our law firm might somehow become involved in the defamation lawsuit Dan Scott started this week against the Argus Leader and its editor, Randell Beck, demands circumspection. Thus, I won’t discuss or assess the merits of any allegations, the personalities or my personal views. Still, informed public discussion requires some […]
The quantity of material (or my amusement level) continues at a pace that prompts a second consecutive day of marginalia:
My friend MinusCar is a very brave man. Of course, I am seriously overpaying to watch The Daily Show and hockey. Doug Wiken’s inimitable style says some of what I was thinking about some of […]
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