
Weekend Edition: 1-18

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

Perpetual War And America’s Military-Industrial Complex 50 Years After Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (“The new military-industrial complex is fuelled by a conveniently ambiguous and unseen enemy: the terrorist.”)

Pages Ain’t Nothing But a Number (or, Let’s All Stop Judging People by How Much They Read) (“If someone reads fewer […]

It’s HAL’s birthday

Today is the 22nd birthday — or maybe the 17th — of a now classic fictional “character.” That’s HAL 9000, the computer that plays a central role in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. In both the movie, co-written by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, and Clarke’s book, HAL tells astronaut David Bowman that he […]

Weekend Edition: 1-11

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

Distinguishing Science From Nonsense (“Children are not going to flourish at science in a society that treats science either as something you can believe in selectively, something that is simply one point of view, or something about which anyone can have a credible opinion no matter how ill-qualified, dumb, […]

Weekend Edition: 1-4

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

This is what it’s like to be at war with your body (“This time he settled for dry ice, one of the preferred methods of self-amputation …. The idea is to freeze the offending limb and damage it to the point that doctors have no choice but to amputate.”) […]

2013 in books by the numbers

One word best sums up my reading in 2013 — ebooks. Two-thirds of the books I read this year were ebooks, up from under 50 percent the year before. In fact, even though I read 30 fewer books in 2013, I read seven more ebooks than in 2012. And although I read more than 41,000 […]