
Weekend Edition: 7-31

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

  • Hard-Rock Existentialism: The Megalith As A Beach-Head Of Being (“Monoliths, and objects like them, …. [are] a testament to the fact that whoever carved and placed them was, like you, faced with the impossible task of trying to make sense of it all, to make meaning in a meaningless world, to not be overwhelmed by the absurdity and anxiety of existence.”)

Blog Quote of the Week

  • “If you need Snopes to tell you that Joe Biden did not admit to ‘sucking the blood out of kids’ (or you need Snopes to tell you that he doesn’t actually do it either), you are already lost.”

Nonbookish Linkage

Bookish Linkage

[N]o one was interested in the facts. They preferred the invention because this invention expressed and corroborated their hates and fears so perfectly.

James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son

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