
Weekend Edition: 12-29

I figure I can’t let the year close without at least one more Weekend Edition. One minor problem is that my delay in making the decision means a couple items I would normally include slipped off the radar (my news reader, actually).

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • Why must the nation grieve with God? (“We are told the Lord works in mysterious ways but, for many people, to suggest there might be an intelligent deity who could rationally act in such a fashion and that that deity is worth praying to and thanking for “calling them home” seems beyond the pale.”) (via)

Least Surprising Headline of the Year

Bookish Linkage

  • The 2013 Tournament of Books doesn’t begin until March but the finalists have been announced. I’ve actually read one-third of those in the finals and all three of the books that will be in the per-tournament playoff.
  • The Guardian looks at one of my Desert Island Books: Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon.

Nonbookish Linkage

When things go well for days on end, it is an hilarious accident.

Kurt Vonnegut, Letters

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