Bulletin Board
- There will be substantive posts this coming week
Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
- Blackness ever blackening: my lifetime of depression (“Even when the veil is present, something in the making of me means I know, as I knew then, that there is an intolerable reality lurking behind it, a bleak, inhuman emptiness, and that this is the truth behind the web of stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and the world.”)
- The Day I Started Lying to Ruth (“But in the lobby of my hospital, I knew the answer: My knowledge was too clear-eyed. I couldn’t pretend for another day or hour or minute that there were good days ahead.”)
- Age of Ignorance (“It took years of indifference and stupidity to make us as ignorant as we are today.”)
Lawsuit of the Week
- Au Bon Pain, Kmart, the City of New York and 1,000 John does are being sued for $2 undecillion, although one commentator notes that what the defendants did “is not entirely clear”
Legal Ruling of the Week
- “Jesus Christ does not hold copyright for works published in his name, a German court has ruled.”
Bookish Linkage
- How libraries decide what books to keep
- When does a book become a classic?
- Bookish Lists: Six types of aggravating readers; 3 of the best books on China; the top 10 loners in fiction; 5 books to read when life sucks
Nonbookish Linkage
- George Carlin’s guide to life
- Why is the liberal media so white?
- Fifteen facts about African religions
- The ethics of erasing bad memories
During the past four decades, America’s endemic anti-intellectual tendencies have been grievously exacerbated by a new species of semiconscious anti-rationalism, feeding on and fed by an ignorant popular culture of video images and unremitting noise that leaves no room for contemplation or logic.
Susan Jacoby, The Age of American Unreason
I keep returning to your site because you have a habit of posting such interesting columns and bits of news. I especially enjoy the links to stories about reading and readers but the memoir about Ruth was excruciating in its honesty and relevance to many of us. It must take a lot of work and care on your part to keep mining these stories and sharing them, so thanks so much. John
Thanks. Anyone who doesn’t have tears come to their eyes when they read that article has never truly loved someone.