Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
- Meet The Weather Underground’s Bomb Guru (“Thus the question arose: What could they take along to reliably deflect a policeman’s curiosity? One answer was children.”)
Blog Headline of the Week
Bookish Linkage
- With today’s Hugo Award nominees announcements some ask if “a once-great platform for the discovery and commemoration of great speculative writing reveals just how debased and degraded it has become“
- Bookish Lists: Indies Choice Book Awards finalists; 12 classic novels summarized by someone who hasn’t read them; 13 best science books for the general reader
Nonbookish Linkage
- Meet the world’s greatest snooker player
- New Chronology: an “empirico-statistical” theory that much of human history is a fiction assembled to serve the powerful
- Hunting for $1 million worth of cocaine
A human who is given an intricate problem will spend all day trying to solve it, but a canine will have the sense to give up and do something else instead.
Corey Ford, The Trickiest Thing in Feathers