
Great, another genre in which I am deficient

One of the things I claim to get from my recent world lit addiction is that it enables me to learn about and at least intellectually travel to all sorts of countries. At the same time, I’ve never been huge into so-called travel books. Any doubt of that was erased when the UK’s The Guardian […]

March Bibliolust

For a short month, February sure produced a lot of bibliolust. So much so, in fact, that this month’s installment is broken into two categories. One is books I’m slated to review in the immediate future. As if that list isn’t enough, the other category consists of books already checked out from or for which […]

Children’s books caught up in lead ban

When thousands of children’s products, largely from China, were removed from shelves because of lead content, Congress decided it had to take action. That action, however, may lead to children’s books printed before 1985 being removed from the shelves of used bookstores and libraries.

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), signed into law last […]

So I’m not bad if I’m not reading the literary “canons”

I’ve often posted about what I call my illiterati status. In other words, despite all the books I’ve read there’s a lot of canonical authors I haven’t read. Well, I’m pleased to announce that at least one British author, James Delingpole, has given us all permission not to worry about the so-called canon.

Writing in […]

Musing Mondays: Bookstores

How do you choose what to buy from your local bookstore? Do you have a list, or just browse? What is the selection in your book store like? Do you find what you’re looking for? Do you feel pressured to buy the kind of books the store makes prominent?

I do both, although I […]