
Movie review: Serenity (2005)

Okay, I’m extremely biased. I am probably one of the few people who saw the very first and every subsequent episode of the canceled Firefly television series when they first aired. I came to love the characters so much that seeing them come on the screen in the movie Serenity was like having old, close […]

Agony and ecstasy of the BDM

The Agony

1:45 p.m. — Scheduled start time of first matinee of Serenity at local multiplex.

1:52 p.m. — Electrician, last in series of servicemen, leaves my house at conclusion of approximately six hours of home repair. While the theater is probably five or so minutes away and I know the previews will drag on, […]

Eve of the BDM

Observant visitors will note the Serenity countdown has been removed. That is because the Big Damn Movie (Firefly-geek phraseology) opens nationally Friday. Sadly, I am unaware of any screeners or midnight showings here.

I hope to make the first matinee at Century Friday because the BDHT (Big Damn Hockey Team) plays Friday night. Some home […]

DVD Review: No Direction Home (2005)

Fabulous. Wonderful. Fascinating. Slightly flawed. Incomplete.

All of these are perfectly appropriate descriptions of Martin Scorsese’s No Direction Home. The documentary was released this week on DVD and will air on the American Masters series on PBS next week. Perhaps what is most impressive is that the interviews with Dylan himself show him at his […]

DVD Takes

I had intended to post a review today about No Direction Home, Martin Scorsese’s new documentary on Bob Dylan. Unfortunately, the travails and tribulations of life have kept me from getting to Disc 2. Hence, in the interim I offer an installment on some previously recently viewed DVDs. Hopefully, Scorsese on Dylan will appear here […]