
Weekend Edition: 5-24

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • How Being Poor Makes You Sick (“…a growing body of evidence suggests that the very condition of living with no money, in a tumultuous environment, and amid stark inequality can alter individuals’ gene expression.”)
  • The Myth of a ‘War on Religion’ (“…most secular liberals understand—even if Fox News commentators don’t—that America’s last acceptable religious prejudice isn’t against evangelical Christians. It’s against atheists.”)

Blog Headline of the Week

Legal Opinion of the Week

Legal Ruling of the Week

  • New York lawyers will be happy to know that finger pointing and yelling at a deposition is not assault (and from my experience New York lawyers are among the most likely to have to worry about that)

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

…life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself.

Gene Simmons, Feb. 4, 2002

I hate when that happens

One of my favorite things is to sit on our deck in the morning or evening with a glass of iced tea and the dogs and read a book. Sunday morning was gorgeous so I indulged, grabbing a book of the “TBR” shelves for good measure.

I must have picked up A Simple Twist of Fate: Bob Dylan and the Making of Blood on the Tracks at a closeout sale of some sort because I was reading the hardcover released in early 2004 but it had that brand new feel. As I was reading, I was a bit surprised I hadn’t read it until now, particularly since Blood on the Tracks is — and always will be — one of my favorite albums. I was enjoying it so much that I was 100 pages in before I headed back in the house.

Later that day I was going to add it to Goodreads. When I clicked on the title, Goodreads said it was a book I’d read. I knew that was wrong. After all, I’d certainly remember that. To prove the Goodreads entry was mistaken, I went to the book lists I keep here — to learn I’d read the book in March 2008.

Granted, it’s six years but I would have sworn on the proverbial stack of Bibles that I’d not read the book. And it wasn’t like any of it sounded familiar as I was reading. I attribute that to my memory more than the quality of the book. Yet I am still scratching my head that an essentially new copy was in the TBR bookcase, especially since I know it hadn’t been sitting there for six years.

Oh well, it still was an exquisite way to spend part of the morning.

I could stay with you forever and never realize the time

Bob Dylan, “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go,”
Blood on the Tracks

Book Review: No Good Men Among the Living by Anand Gopal

Black and white thinking just doesn’t work in a gray labyrinth. That’s why America — and the Soviet Union earlier — struggled in seeking to fashion Afghanistan’s government and politics. Perhaps there should be a rule requiring Afghanistan be colored gray on any map as a warning about how gray and tangled it is. At least that’s my conclusion from reading Anand Gopal’s No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban, and the War through Afghan Eyes. Although attempting to tell the story of America’s military efforts in Afghanistan from the perspective of the Afghanis, it provides a much deeper insight.

Gopal, who was an Afghanistan correspondent for The Wall Street Journal and The Christian Science Monitor, spent a great deal of time traveling the country, seeking to meet and understand various elements of the society. With hundreds of hours of interviews and who knows how many dangerous miles, he uses the lives of enemy, ally and civilian to explore life there since 9/11. Although discussing numerous other fighters and tribal leaders, No Good Men Among the Living is built around a Taliban commander (who was among many who tried to surrender to the U.S.), a member of the U.S.-backed Afghan government (who was among many using that relationship to build wealth and power and extract revenge against rivals), and a Kabul University-educated woman (who ends up a burqa-clad housewife in a remote, conservative village).

no good menWhat do their lives tell us? That almost any alliance is subject to change when there is an advantage in doing so. That the clannish nature of the various ethnic groups creates fissures that greatly influence alliances and loyalties, fissures outsiders may not recognize and certainly may never understand. That urban and rural life are dramatically different worlds. That putting people and things into black and white categories is largely fatal to any attempt to create a “better” Afghanistan.

Take the Taliban commander, Mullah Cable, for example. Cable, a Pashtun whose given name is Akbar Gul, has no formal religious instruction. He ended up in the Taliban (largely-Pashtun based) when his brother and cousin were executed in Kabul by a Uzbek militia group that was part of the Northern Alliance. Still a teenager, Cable joined a Pashtun militia group and by 2001 was a leading frontline commander for the Taliban. It was during this time he became known as Mullah Cable — using a cable as a whip. Yet September 12, 2001, didn’t dawn with him seeking jihad against the United States, a place he can’t find on a map. Rather, he and many others intended to surrender and abandoned the Taliban all together. He made his way to Kabul for a while and then left for Pakistan, hoping to “piece together a Taliban-free future” and a “life at peace.” Gopal then details how the ethnic and political rivalries between and among the Northern Alliance, former Taliban and various ethnic groups led this new potential ally — or, at least, a neutral noncombatant — back to Pakistan and to becoming a member of a newly resurgent Taliban.

The flip side of the coin is Jan Muhammad, who rose from being a school janitor to a commander of the U.S.-backed mujahedeen fighting the Soviets to governing and leading thousands of fighters in Orzugan, a southern Afghanistan province. He lost that position when the Taliban came into power and joined an anti-Taliban group associated with Hamid Karzai, who would become the country’s president following the U.S. invasion. Muhammad, a longtime friend of Karzai’s, became a close adviser but was arrested by the Taliban and thrown into prison. His scheduled execution was averted by the U.S. invasion and Karzai made him governor of Orzugan the following year. Although an ally, Muhammad and others who governed various areas in the provinces had access to millions of U.S. dollars and the ear of the U.S. military. Frequently, they used that ear to solidify their control, identifying competitors and rivals as terrorists, resulting in arrests, detention, torture and U.S. raids and bombings that killed innocents.

Perhaps the most intriguing story is Heela’s, in part because of its seeming incongruity. She and her husband lived and worked in Kabul, where the restrictions on women were far less than in the countryside. After mujahedeen took Kabul and three years before the Taliban prevailed in the civil war, the Supreme Court issued a decree that the government dismiss female employees and close schools for girls because “schools are whorehouses and centers of adultery.” The decree also said women should not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary and only after asking their husbands’ permission and, if they did, “they are to cover themselves completely.”

The following summer, the civil war led Heela and her husband to escape to his home village in Orzugan, where such restrictive rules had existed for decades. Yet this college-educated woman took to her full body burqa and quickly adapted to the strictures on her activities. When her husband surreptitiously takes her and their children to the pharmacy he runs in a nearby village after the U.S. invasion, it is the only family outing she had while living in the province. Yet while Heela comports with the local views on the role of women, those in power recognize the potential of an educated woman in the provinces. The Taliban arrange for her to be trained in midwifery and nursing. The Karzai government selects her to supervise a vocational training center and help register woman voters. Yet the ongoing internecine conflicts lead to family tragedy and, ultimately, she would be elected to the National Assembly to represent those who frowned upon and opposed those activities and the modernity her pre-village life represented.

No Good Men Among the Living demonstrates how, from the era of Soviet control until today, every ally, enemy and citizen encountered and adapted to shifting alliances and governments. Gopal’s explanation of the historic background to these shifting camps and political situations is among the best I’ve read. The men in power did so in ways that would benefit them most. Women were far more constrained not just by the type of government but tradition and location. The bad guys might have been good guys. The good guys may have been little different from the bad guys. The book’s examples of how our “allies” exploited U.S. power are devastating and how U.S. policy would “create enemies where there were none.” Amidst all this, the population was left to deal with whomever was perceived as good or bad at the time — something that was not always congruent with the view of the U.S. military — and the results of the U.S. belief that the war on terror be a matter of black and white.

At times, No Good Men Among the Living seems to gloss over the actions of the Taliban and focus more on somewhat localized tribal and ethnic rivalries and power struggles. Likewise, little is said about the role of Pakistan in these events and the resurgence of the Taliban. Yet one point Gopal brings home is that the Taliban sprung from and thus represents a part of Afghan culture and politics. The U.S., like Russia and Britain before it, is, and always will be, an outside power whose own aims dramatically alter the balance of power and the lives of all Afghanis.

Living a war was different from fighting one; it mean keeping yourself somewhere in the gray area of survival.

Anand Gopal, No Good Men Among the Living

Weekend Edition: 5-17

Bulletin Board

  • There will be substantive posts this coming week

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • Blackness ever blackening: my lifetime of depression (“Even when the veil is present, something in the making of me means I know, as I knew then, that there is an intolerable reality lurking behind it, a bleak, inhuman emptiness, and that this is the truth behind the web of stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and the world.”)
  • The Day I Started Lying to Ruth (“But in the lobby of my hospital, I knew the answer: My knowledge was too clear-eyed. I couldn’t pretend for another day or hour or minute that there were good days ahead.”)
  • Age of Ignorance (“It took years of indifference and stupidity to make us as ignorant as we are today.”)

Lawsuit of the Week

  • Au Bon Pain, Kmart, the City of New York and 1,000 John does are being sued for $2 undecillion, although one commentator notes that what the defendants did “is not entirely clear”

Legal Ruling of the Week

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

During the past four decades, America’s endemic anti-intellectual tendencies have been grievously exacerbated by a new species of semiconscious anti-rationalism, feeding on and fed by an ignorant popular culture of video images and unremitting noise that leaves no room for contemplation or logic.

Susan Jacoby, The Age of American Unreason

Weekend Edition: 5-10

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

  • Now That Books Mean Nothing (“As much as I may want (or have wanted) it to be so, books haven’t been a sufficient comfort or diversion as I prepared to lose my boobs, then lost them, and began trying to adjust to their absence from my body.”)
  • What Is a Book? (“These next few years will determine not if we preserve the history of print culture, but how.”)
  • A Foreign Policy for the Left (“The best and last example of leftist pretending is the insistence on the reasonableness of people who give no sign of being reasonable.”)

Blog Headline of the Week

Blog Line of the Week

Lawsuit of the Week

Legal Ruling of the Week

  • An “inactive” Tennessee lawyer’s effort to intervene in a Florida case seeking to force Florida to recognize gay marriage because he wants to marry his “porn-filled Apple computer” was denied by the federal judge

Bookish Linkage

Nonbookish Linkage

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Marthe Troly-Curtin, Phrynette Married