
Blogroll additions and comment

I wanted to note a few additions to the blogroll over the last number of weeks and comment on one other item in it:

Directly related to the last post, there’s Three Percent, a new project at the University of Rochester “with the lofty goal of becoming a destination for readers, editors, and translators interested […]

Forthcoming sparsity

It’s not like this place has been overflowing with content, but there likely will be a growing sparsity. There’s a variety of reasons. the most significant of which seem beyond my control at the time and which I may discuss in the future if I can get a handle on them.

Suffice it to say […]

Search term follies – Part 4

Google keeps sending the penis searches this way but I gotta say the first one in this month’s list is my favorite so far. In addition, people searching the clue to an online crossword puzzle celebrating Black History Month have lifted this site to a #2 Google rank for the second search listed below and […]

Search term follies – Part 3

When I started this, I wondered if there would be enough unusual searches to make this a regular feature. The pace keeps up enough that it has been monthly. There is, however, a new and (at least to me) somewhat disturbing theme that I grouped together below.


the piano flaccid penis show the […]

Horn blowing time

Just when you wonder whether anybody really gives a rip about any of the stuff you blog about, you get at least some reinforcement.

First, although it seemed to gather no notice in the South Dakota blogosphere, my post on credentialing bloggers did attract the attention of CBS News. As you’ll see in a comment […]