
Musing Mondays: Holiday reading

How does your reading (or your blogging) fare in the holiday months? Do you read more or less? Do you have to actively make time to read?

I generally get quite a bit of reading done over the holidays. During the Thanksgiving break, I finished a book I started earlier in the week, read […]

Musing Mondays: Book communing

Does your house have a communal bookshelf? If not, is your bookshelf centrally located so everyone has access to it?

Our house is a divided country when it comes to bookshelves. Actually, it’s more akin to bordering states than a civil war but we aren’t into communal shelving.

I have bookshelves in my office. […]

Booking Through Thursday: One question

If you could ask your favorite author (alive or dead) one question … who would you ask, and what would the question be?

Sorry, but I can’t resist making this like asking the genie from the bottle for more wishes with your one wish. So, I’d say to Kurt Vonnegut, “Why don’t we chat […]

Musing Mondays: Music

Do you listen to music while reading? Does this change if you’re reading in or out of your house? Do you have a preference of music for such occasions?

I occasionally do but probably less than 25 percent of the time. Whether I do so out of the house depends on the setting. […]

Tell a tale of titles

I’m finally caving in on this meme, which has been floating around for a couple weeks. I figured since it’s my birthday I can do what I want, right? So, here’s the deal, the meme requires answering the following questions using only the titles of books you’ve read this year without repeating any of the […]