
Muzzle awards

The Boston Phoenix has handed out its 8th annual Muzzle Awards. The FBI topped the list of recipients for the awards, which go to “those who have done the most to suppress free speech and personal liberties in New England during the previous year.” (Via Blog of a Bookslut).

This year, the main threat to […]

Book Review: Speaking Freely (2005)

Floyd Abrams earned his reputation as one of this country’s leading First Amendment lawyers in the trenches as a trial lawyer. His Speaking Freely: Trials of the First Amendment is a welcome addition to the history of First Amendment law.

Abrams takes the reader inside his involvement with seven particular cases — including ones he […]

Penile humor and the First Amendment

Via How Appealing comes this Michigan Court of Appeals decision (PDF file) about whether televised jokes told by a human penis are protected by the First Amendment.

Seems Timothy Huffman produced a program called “Tim’s Area of Control” on a public access cable channel in Grand Rapids, Mich. One episode, that aired between 10:30 and […]

Reporters’ conundrum and the law

There’s lots of discussion about a Plamegate irony. Getting to the bottom of this may require one or more journalists to disclose their purported confidential sources. As a former reporter, I know this is something journalists abhor. As a lawyer who’s litigated the issue, though, I also know there’s a basis for forcing disclosure of […]