
Friday Follies 1.11

Epitomizing the saw, “can’t take a joke,” woman sues her daughter-in-law, a professional comedian, for spreading false, defamatory and racist lies with in-law jokes. (Via.)

On the other hand, lawyer jokes “are OK” if you’re worried about getting sued. (Via.)

A good corollary to don’t drink and drive: don’t get tanked and tweet.

We […]

Friday Follies 1.10

I’m sorry, but putting a library book in “a back room where it is held under lock and key and can be seen only by appointment,” is the equivalent of banning it.

Hmmm, for some odd reason both law professors and well known lawyers seem somewhat taken aback by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s […]

Friday Follies 1.9

Layoffs and pay cuts at law firms are one thing but “ratcheting up the cost of my soda by 150% is where I draw the line!”

You’ll be happy to know Korean restaurants (as in restaurants actually in Korea) will no longer be able to reuse food — although there are some exceptions.

Those in […]

Friday Follies 1.8

Ireland outlaws blasphemy.

And this ain’t your father’s Russia: the leadership of Russia’s equivalent of the s House of Representatives has “agreed to refer the legislative agenda and the legislative calendar to the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church for confirmation.”

Sorry, ma’am, you were right. You aren’t a prostitute. (Via.)

Lawyer disbarred for […]

Friday Follies 1.7

Bob Newland, take note: Michigan court says probation order with blanket prohibition against any “defamatory and demeaning communications” is void, even when the the probationer says of the sentencing judge, ” cursed shall be the fruit of thy body. The Lord shall smite thee with consumption and with a fever and with an inflammation and […]