
State and local political notes

It appears the JAILers have presented enough signatures to get their measure on the 2006 ballot. South Dakota War College guesstimates the paid signature collection effort cost about $75,000. Even if it’s half or one-quater of that, it still begs the question of from where or whom the money is coming. No earthquake or other […]

George McGovern podcast

The South Dakota Democractic Party has been offering a series of podcasts lately. The newest one may be worth the time as it has an interview with former Sen. George McGovern.

Acording to the SDDP press release, “Senator McGovern speaks in depth on a wide variety of topics including the war in Iraq, the Democratic […]

The governor and the airplanes

The local daily sure went to town today on the governor’s use of state planes. While I do wonder about having non-family and non-state employee travel with him, the last thing I am going to be critical of is his attendance at his kids’ school events.

For years now, my daughters’ school activities — including […]

Churches and use tax sequel

The local daily reports the state Department of Revenue isn’t going to make churches get tax licenses to pay use tax on items they purchase out of state. That seems a reasonable approach.

Even individuals owe use tax on items they purchase out-of-state but use in-state if no sales tax is charged at the point […]

Some (small) common ground

Sometimes it’s interesting where you find items of common ground.

After receiving a nice e-mail last weekend from Joel Rosenthal about a recent post, I took a closer look at his blog, Straight Talk. I knew it was there but hadn’t paid much attention. You see, there probably isn’t a lot on which he and […]