After opining recently on passion, I admit there is equal truth in the Dilbert strip in today’s paper. I need only change the last two words to “read books”:
An optimist is simply a pessimist with no job experience.
“Dogbert” in Scott Adams, Build A Better Life By Stealing Office Supplies
For someone who can count on one hand the number of times he’s been out of the U.S. (even taking the San Diego trolley to Tijuana), I am fascinated by other countries. I decided to indulge myself last weekend with two books I just heard about. I’m certainly glad I did.
The first was The […]
Some admittedly date back to last week but they are among the things that have caught my interest over the last 10 days or so:
I’ve used the Google translate feature on a couple occasions but never thought about the flip side. Hence, I found this is very cool, although I have no idea how […]
Shocked, just shocked! Appalled, absolutely appalled!
Somewhat behind on my web reading, I have just learned that my GOP friend PP of the South Dakota War College is part of a cabal planning to take over the world. After all, good and certainly unquestionable authority says PP is — gasp — a “Zionist operative.”
Now […]
As I spent the last several days hibernating trying to shake a cold that’s plagued me for going on two weeks, I also got around to compiling most of my LibraryThing library. Although the effort was sped up a bit by CueCat, I still have to wonder about the time put in to the project.
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