You may recall I posted last month about how a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee amendment to legislation creating a federal “reporters privilege” appeared to require that a person work for the mainstream media, thereby excluding most bloggers. Now it appears the committee will do a near complete reversal.
Sens. Charles Schumer (D.-N.Y.) and Arlen Specter […]
Bulletin Board
The Rapid City Public Library is going to be posting podcasts of some of the events from this year’s South Dakota Festival of Books.
Worthwhile Reading in the Interweb Tubes
How Much People Pay for Health Care Around the World
“At this moment, there are more females serving on the United States […]
I’m thinking a $16.5 million verdict isn’t unexpected when jurors ask for a 10-digit adding machine.
Woman arrested for offering sex for World Series tickets gets 800 new Facebook “friends.” I wonder why. (Via.)
Dumb legal marketing idea # 36,926: Lawyer-referral site tries to generate more business for immigration lawyers by offering a make-believe phony […]
Do real private detectives read detective novels? Do police officers read crime fiction? I wonder because, as a practicing attorney, I don’t usually read novels dealing with lawyers. Even when written by attorneys, story-telling seems to require shortcuts. Perhaps unnoticed by the average reader, those shortcuts can leave me incredulous, even infuriated. Although David Schmahmann’s […]
Ranging a bit far afield from the usual topics of this blog but dealing with a subject of professional interest, a couple recent items reinforced this country’s problem with immigration. It isn’t illegal immigrants — it’s the fact our immigration system is broken.
Our immigration law labyrinth is not only a factor in illegal […]
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