Gotta love them pro se litigants. From a complaint filed in federal court in Oregon: “Plaintiff shall henceforth refer to self as litigant since she is defendant, appellant or plaintiff, depending on which shyster-vermin she is dealing with. Litigant files this response to the order filed by Docket Clerk Brinn and signed by USDC-OR Magistrate […]
Given American popular literature today, perhaps a person first seeing Vasily Grossman’s The Road on the bookshelves could be excused if they first wonder if it is vampire or zombie-laden mashup of Cormac McCarthy’s award-winning novel of the same name. Yet readers who actually pick up the book and explore it will discern that this […]
Bulletin Board
Sam Kean, author of […]
A Florida man was awarded $650,000 for an injury he sustained when he was hit in the eye by a stripper’s shoe. (via)
A D.C. burger joint has been ordered to stop grilling because the “intense and noxious odor” it creates causes employees of a neighboring business to suffer itchy and watery eyes, nausea and […]
Bulletin Board
One of those weeks combined with the onset of my “fall cold” to make things a bit sparse this week. So it goes.
Question of the Week
With the local daily now running the Pearls Before Swine comic strip, why is it gracing us strips from 2006 rather than current ones?
Worthwhile Reading […]
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