I am not easily offended. But there are exceptions. One is the post at the Publishers Weekly‘s blog of the “singular” writers for each of the 50 states. South Dakota’s entry? “No one of note. The closest South Dakota has to literary tradition is that Laura Ingalls Wilder’s itinerant childhood stopped through Dakota territory [sic] […]
I’m not surprised when I see typos in book galleys or advance readers copies. After all, these come before a book is finally coming off the presses. Over time, though, I have been surprised at the seemingly increasing number of typos in finished books. Now it appears computers may be to blame, at least in […]
Two years ago, I asked whether The Book Depository, the U.K.’s largest online bookstore, would complement Amazon or compete with it. The end result? Amazon is buying it.
The sale is going to be looked at by the U.K.;s Office of Fair Trading and has sparked fears the deal will “tighten the American company’s ‘stranglehold’ […]
Average lust this month, part of which I attribute in part to what I consider the doldrums of publishing — summer reads. Of course, I’ve been finding plenty to read without lusting. Most of this month’s list is a “fanboy” list.
God, No!: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales, Penn […]
In decluttering my home retreat and bookshelves a couple weekends ago, I noticed a number of books that have been with me since I was a college undergraduate some 30 years ago. Perhaps that is not uncommon and the fact several deal with history may make them more likely to be kept. Still, I couldn’t […]
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